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Intro Advanced Bread Making Course 🍞

Scott Megee is a Lecturer in Baking Studies at the Holmsglen Institute of TAFE in Victoria. He's been a Chef/Baker for nearly 20 years and in 2009, he was a member of the 4 man Team Bakery Australia that won second place (second only to the Italian team, that is!) in the International Bread Baking Championship in Rimini, Italy.

That same year, he was granted a Skills Victoria/International Specialised Skills Institute Fellowship and got to spend time touring the US and Europe researching the latest bread techniques. Drawing on all his knowledge and experience, Scott has designed a wonderfully detailed Advanced Bread Section for us, comprising of three separate units (as they say in the teaching profession!). This maxi/mini-course not only provides a bit of an insight into the sort of learning a qualified baker would undertake during professional training, it will provide you with a platform of knowledge to enable you to confidently write your own professional standard bread recipes but to do it in a backyard context so you can get the best out of your oven – giving you the best of both worlds!

Hair Nets

Okay, so now you have met Scott, it's time to get serious. Imagine yourself in a big, teaching kitchen...

You're wearing uniform whites, a hair net and a baker's cap...

You're standing at a serious looking stainless bench with twenty or so class mates around you, all standing at their stations, all facing forward and eager to learn the secrets of the Baker's trade. SOUNDS FANTASTIC DOESN'T IT!  So here we go...

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